From Dave

Dr. JN Armstrong

“Dr Sookram is an emergency physician for Alberta Health Services and he has had a long (>20 year) history with the Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service (STARS). In that time he has served as a Transport Physician, as well as Medical Director, for one of the bases in the program. 

He has helped coordinate care, supported rural care providers and optimized medical care and transport for countless patients. He has had firsthand involvement in major incidents such as the Pine Lake tornado. As well he continues to lend his expertise in the training of the next generation of clinicians and health care providers.

He has, and continues to provide, outstanding, exemplary service to Albertans and indeed all Canadians.”

Dr JN Armstrong

Chief Medical Officer STARS

Associate Professor Anesthesia

Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine

Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary